Monday, May 30, 2011


Appearance, originally uploaded by Tony DeSantis Photography.
There's no need to fear...

What a great morning, I had a friend who asked me to go down to the beach and shoot some photo's of him surfing, well needless to say this is not him. When I got there I couldn't find him so I decided to shoot others. This is just one of a set I got.

Weather was awesome, waves were great. This is the 2nd day this week I got up early in the morning to get some shots. Sunsets late so I am trying to get up in the morning instead to do some shooting. The surfers were pretty far away from the shore so I shot from the Huntington Beach Pier to get closer to the surfers and ended up with some pretty nice shots. At least that is what i think, I guess I will rely on your opinions to see if there is agreement?

The Shot:
>Single Exposure- F/6.7, ISO 500, 1/1500 sec, +1EV, 70-200L with 2X Extender @400mm.

Post Processing CS-5:
>Raw Increase Black, Exposure, Adjusted WB
>Topaz Adjust 4.0 for Color and Detail
>Adjustment Layer-Levels-For White and Black points
>Adjustment Layer-Hue/Sat-reduce red in face and hands
>Noise Ninja for overall noise reduction
>High Pass Sharpening
>Sized and Framed for Posting

*Side Note, I realized that if you expose for the scene with a 0EV the surfer will come out dark or very red.  So I used a +1EV.  I finally settled on a +.66EV pushing the histogram to the right and adjusting in post processing.  It gives you a better and easier comp in post processing.

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