Thursday, June 14, 2012

Low & Slow

Low & Slow by Tony DeSantis Photography
Low & Slow, a photo by Tony DeSantis Photography on Flickr.

3rd shot posted from the San Clemente Car show but the 1st shot taken. Arriving at 7am was perfect for catching cars rolling down the middle of the street slowly to there staging place. It was nice to catch them with no stickers, signs, numbers, hoods up or people around the car.
Next time I will get there early catch them rolling down the road get my shots in the can and enjoy the rest of the show.

Post Processing:
>Magic Wand and masked to remove background
>CMD J for car on separate layer
>Topaz Remask to refine mask
>Replaced background
>Flood plugin for water look
>Topaz Adjust-color and contrast
>Adjustment Layer-Hue/Sat to remove double yellow line reflection in paint and chrome
>Adjustment Layer-Hue/Sat-Blue to enhance blue paint
>Nik Color Efex pro
>Tonal Contrast for definition in paint
>Bleach Bypass for defined shadow areas in paint
>High Pass Sharpening
>Cropped, Framed and sized for posting

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


2nd of a days shoot at the San Clemente Car Show. The curves, sheen, colors and overall subject matter makes these fun to shoot and then work on in Post Processing.
If anyone knows the year, make and model of this vehicle please post.

Thanks for stopping by. Your comments and critiques are welcomed.

Post Processing:
>Masked and replacement of background
>Topaz Remasked used for fine tuning mask
>Topaz adjust-color and contrast and shading
>Adjustment Layer-Hue/Sat removal of yellowing on paint job from Topaz adjust
>Adjustment Layer-Hue/Sat removal of red in grill from reflection of other vehicles
>Nik Color Efex pro 4.0-Tonal Contrast-Bleach Bypass-Opacity lowered to taste
>Adjustment Layer-Curves-Windshield reflection darkened and contrasted
>Adjustment Layer-Curves-Headlights brightened
>Cropped, framed and sized for posting